Nåttarö krog
On Nåttarö you can stay in cottages or at the hostel. There is also a camping and shower facility as well as toilet facilities close to the cottage village.
The guest harbor is located at Kvarnviken. There is a floating jetty with electric poles. Mooring with buoy at all locations. There is a toilet, sauna, shower, water and septic tank emptying station. At the restaurant you can rent a bicycle, kayak, rowing boat and SUP.
Explore location
For those who want to explore the island from the water, there are a SUPs (Stand Up Paddle-boards) for rent. Available at our port office.
Discover the island on bike! The terrain is fairly flat and bike friendly, suitable both for amateurs and pros.
Available at the new harbor office.
The guest harbor is located at Kvarnviken. The new floating jetty with power outlets (230 V) has 45 spaces with a maximum depth of 3-4 meters furthest out and 1-2 meters further in. Mooring is done to a buoy at all spots.
Day guests can easily stay at the ferry jetty which has 16 buoys.
Notify the harbor office upon your arrival. There is a service facility right next to the harbor (to the left of the restaurant and Sixtens bodega). The service facility has toilets, showers and a sauna.
Rent a kayak to explore the island from the water.
Available at the harbor office.
The sauna is privately located by the cabin village by the ocean. It has space for up to 10 people. You can book the sauna in the reception.